White Bass (Morone chrysops)

White Bass
Morone chrysops

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Moronidae
Genus: Morone
Species: M. chrysops

The white bass is a wide-bodied fish with an overall dark bluish green to gray color with yellow eyes. The two dorsal fins—spiny and soft—are completely separated. The white bass has stripes running laterally down its sides that may be broken. The lower jaw sticks out further than the upper jaw on the mouth. A tooth patch is present on the tongue.

Churchill County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Lahontan Reservoir (102) 2-20-2025 Silver Springs, NV

Lyon County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Lahontan Reservoir (102) 2-20-2025 Silver Springs, NV

Pershing County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Rye Patch Reservoir (40) 2-20-2025 Lovelock, NV

Washoe County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Washoe Lake [ESFR] (20) 2-20-2025 Washoe City, NV