Spooner Update

Spooner Lake - Glenbrook, NV (Douglas County)

by East Bay Regional Park District

NDOW as of this date, has not stocked it. I'd expect a stocking in the next 10 days. Damsels, zebra midges, copper johns, PT's buggers in white, olive, zug bugs, princes. If you see lips: Para Adams, Trico.

More Reports

East Bay Regional Park District Reports
for Wednesday, June 8th, 2016
East Carson River (CA): East Carson Update
East Carson River (NV): East Carson River (NV) Update
West Carson River (CA): West Carson River Update
East Walker River (NV): East Walker River (NV) Update
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River (CA) Update
West Walker River (CA): West Walker River (CA) Update
West Walker River (NV): West Walker RIver (NV) Update
Hobart Reservoir: Hobart Update
Topaz Lake: Topaz Report