Nevada Fish Report
Fish Report for 8-12-2016
Fish Report for 8-12-2016
Fishing Outlook 8-11-16

by Angler's Edge Fly Shop
Please still carry a thermometer if you are going to be doing any Catch and Release, the cool nights are certainly helping extend the morning fishing, but keep it handy!
(Photo Credit: Angler’s Edge Guide, Jan Nemec last week with a Truckee Brown)
OBSERVE !!! Have you seen the abundance of the dragon flies and damsels recently? These easy slow moving nymphs are what trout start fattening up with in late Summer. Today a client came in who had been doing the Rosaschi Ranch section of the East Walker early in the morning, and back in time for breakfast. He noted that the trout were in the shallows... and asked why... well, think about it... were there dragon flies? “All over the place” then they were there to suck them off the grass and weeds while they were emerging! We think of a damsel as a still water pattern.. and it is.. but the meadows of the East Walker will turn blue with them. Use a damsel nymph in your rig, if you see this, you'll be surprised at how they key in on them.
E. CARSON: CA: Confirmation from people observing the hoards along the river at the Hwy 4 bridge, across from Carson River Resort, Buggers in olive or black, Caddis are hatching, PMD's and BWO's of course the hoppers are all over the place and also the ants. I'd certainly skate a stimulator in yellow or orange. Para-madam X in yellow or chartreuse. Nymphing: micro mayfly, EC caddis, PT, hare's ear, little yellow stone, caddis pupa, san Juan's. Catch & Release section (downstream at Hangman's Bridge), Like the water above, nice flows. The reports that we've gotten is that it's still a bit slow.. Walk away from the parking lot. Go further down stream. Start watching for the snakes trying to cool off in the water Same bug patterns as above.
Flows: average 79 cfs this week, just 20 cfs below median flow. above Hangman's (along hwy 89/4) Rumors and hearsay were true, that the river would be stocked this week.
E. CARSON: NV: In the early morning go for a dry dropper set up of a caddis (Elk Hair) with a zebra midge (black) drop. Mid day, if the fish will play, throw a bugger in a size 8 – size 12 Being clearer, start being a little more sneaky (yes, this is a fishing terminology :) Dead Drift Red Copper Johns, Golden stones, little yellow stones, zebra midges, or San Juans. Dry fly action should always include a dropper of a zebra midge, hare's ear, caddis pupa, make it a stimulator or grasshopper a cripple caddis or ant. It's almost time to start venturing up the further reaches, they'll hit s dry nicely early in the morning and late in the evening. Remember to release wilds (par marks, 'God's thumbprints' along lateral line) and the brown trout to keep the populations going!
Flows average: 86 cfs, about 20 cfs below median. NDOW stocked 2 weeks ago and there are certainly fish left.
W. CARSON: The Carson Rivers are at this time of year, considered 'irrigation canals. One week for watering for the CA side, the next week for the NV side.. with these lower flows, it certainly looks like the CA side. This stocked this week, Maybe even be a lucky shot at a wild or two on an ant pattern.. those little wilds are FAST! Look for the more oxygenated waters to the plunge pools for these speed demons. A note, if you do pick up a wild trout, please let it go, If using bait, just cut the line, no longer are viable trout being stocked. Dries: Elk Hair Caddis, Stimulator , Stone, adams in a 16, Pale Morning Dun mayfly size 14. Nymphs: Hare's ear, PT, Prince nymph (always a go-to!), zebra midges, WD-40.
Flows 27 cfs, running about 10 cfs below normal, and it received a bump in flows from storage above about 2 days ago..
E. WALKER: NV (Rosaschi Ranch): You know, maybe this time of year, have a little fun, use a pair of dykes and cut the hook off completely.. go out see what will hit your fly.. pull it out of their mouth,, no harm, no foul and they won't be stressed from fighting in warm water! Guides available for EARLY, EARLY morning ½ day trips. Early in the morning, they'll happily take a hopper in tan size 10 - 12, and don't forget that dropper! Dead drift light colored buggers (light olive, white),natural zonkers, clousers, copper johns, hare's ear, rubber legged stones, little yellow stones, red or black zebra midges, bubbleback midges, Hot Pink bugger, Tequila twist.
Flows 101 cfs: flows about 100 cfs below median. CATCH & RELEASE, NO BAIT, BARBLESS NO KILL. TAKE TEMPS after 9 am... off at 69 degrees.
E. WALKER: CA Buggers, PT,s Chrino's , and midge on a heavy rig. Still getting some very nice Trico hatches early in the morning, and the caddis are still showing.. by about 9 am, it’s over with. So get there early. WD40 a great pattern for the Tricos, along with spent wings trico and an emerging caddis, a very productive pattern for dry takes when they caddis are dancing. Damsels are coming off with this heat and a damsel nymph is a good one to have on your rig. A good idea is to get the CLEAR glow in the dark Thingamabobbers, you'll get use to keying in on it (looks like a large airbubble, to you AND THE FISH. The fish won't move off it as easily. Nymphs they weren't too picky about, ADD, ADHD, black brassies, nitro caddis, bubble back, hare's ear.
Flows 90 cfs, about 50 cfs below median: TAKE TEMPS after 9 am... off at 69 degrees. CATCH & RELEASE NO BAIT, BARBLESS (Special Regulations)Flows have been steady.
E. WALKER: NV ELBOW AREA PT's Hare's ear, stone, Micro Mayfly, san juans. Dries: Stimi's in yellow, hoppers, PMD's.
Flows 10 cfs. If doing C & R in that area: TAKE TEMPS after 9 am... off at 69 degrees.
WEST WALKER : CA: Pickel Meadows is still pretty busy, perhaps hit area with a dinner picnic when everyone else goes home for the evening. (REMINDER: Release the Browns, if you want to see one in the future!) Yellow Crystal bugger is a go to on this water, (Walker Bugger), red/black or green copper johns, hare's ears, Flashback Pheasant tail and rubber legged stones. Dries: Stimulator, Royal Wulff, Caddis, Adams, EHC.
Flows average: 89 It's gotten low, so use a bit more stealth and look for the cooler more oxygenated tailouts.
WEST WALKER: NV (Hoye Canyon): Hoye Canyon is NO LONGER open to the public. Only fishing on the West Walker Nevada access is Wilson Canyon on 208 south of Yerington.
HOBART OPEN. Early in the morning the lake is popping, then they go a bit deeper due to the heat and the sun. Damsels, PT's zebra midges, red or black, mosquito's, black ants. For Directions for a 4 x 4 vehicle: Closes September 30th.
PYRAMID LAKE: We have guides for Pyramid Lake. Make your reservations NOW for the opening weeks, slots will fill up FAST!!! Opens in 50 days, start thinking of getting your boxes filled with patterns to emulate the Tui Chub and streamers for opener, for about the first 3 weeks they are heavy on the bait fish! Get your license online.
TOPAZ: Topaz Lake is still good. Still getting nice reports at the inlet area and have gotten reports that the bass are still very active along the rocky shelves. The bass will certianly hit 'big unglies', buggers, dead drift cray fish. THE CARP are leaving the shallows, but can still be targeted in that southern area. (if you haven't done carp fishing, come in and ask.. it's a hoot!) Olive buggers, damsel nymphs, Carp flies, crayfish patterns and a very stout 8 weight rod. FYI the canal temps were at 76 degrees coming out of the lake. Not good for C & R.
If fishing the LAKE of Topaz, a CA (OR) an NV.. if you turn to do the outlet (Topaz Canal) you must have a NV license. As is, turning to the inlet, you would have to have a CA license. Be informed the Canal area is now marked NO Trespassing about 2 miles from head wall (It is private property).
SPOONER: A PERSONAL NOTE: catch a chub, KILL IT.. This lake has become so over populated with chub, that the trout there are competing for food. Not much has changed since last week's report: Damsels, zebra midges, copper johns, PT's buggers in white, olive, zug bugs, princes. If you see lips: Para Adams, Trico. Just want to catch ANY fish (chub) use a zug bug... it's a guaranteed take.
DESERT CREEK: A bit cooler water at this little creek, since it doesn't get the hot afternoon sun. Buggers, hoppers, ants, caddis, little yellow stones.
HEENAN: Opens on September 2nd!!! Catch and Release Only, No bait, No Kill, Barbless. Open September – October, only on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Sunrise to Sunset (Specified).
INDIAN CREEK: Weeds are up. Fish are going a bit deep, if fishing from shore, I'd throw a damsel early in the morning. If in a float tube, you'll do better, and start using an intermediate or sink tip. Finger crawl your nymphs. Buggers in olive, black and white. Red zebra midges, Blood midges, small Maholo's, hares' ear, damsels, sheep creek specials. (PRO HINT: Strip to the tune of the theme to Bonanza, to vary the movement of the streamers).
BURNSIDE: fished okay this past week, slows down at high sun, same as ICR, go deep or go home if you are going out on the water mid day.
KIRMAN: It's warm, best to leave it until a few weeks, and we'll get a COLD snap up there. We may have lost fish due to last year's low water and then a Winter kill. A few fish have been caught. Watch for rattle snakes on the way up and out. Scuds, zugs, damsels, olive buggers, chrino's to the weed beds.
TRUCKEE: Flows in Mogul are about 266 and holding prett steady, Previously this week, we put out a chart of the temperatures out of Sparks (yes, a different location, but a good place to start) Watch those temps on the river, start looking around 11 am, and check every 30 minutes. (take a break, drink some water) Fishing pretty well on the California side. And up higher on the NV side, lots of the LCT's stocked by USFWS are STILLbeing caught. Stones, Green Drake nymphs (Olive hare's ear, in a pinch) San Juans , Rainbow warriors. If you're adventurous, throw a big ugly Rabbit strip fly to clean up a run or hole. It was hit pretty hard with 2 years of hard drought and really warm water temps. There are some survivors and that's good. If we want the repopulation of brown trout to be there, let them go (tell your spin or bait buddies) FWS dumped in a big load of Little LCT's.. good fodder for the browns and big 'bows.
O'BANION'S ASPEN LAKE: Closed Due to summer Algae bloom.. will announce when reopening.
Did you know that The Angler's Edge has guides covering Pyramid, walk/wade or float the Truckee, trips to Kirman and all the way to the Owens River and Crowley? Book a day or ½ day!! call the shop to learn these waters with a professional 775-781-7112.
ASSORTED REPORTS: Let us know if there are waters that you want reports on! We'll place them here.
OBSERVE !!! Have you seen the abundance of the dragon flies and damsels recently? These easy slow moving nymphs are what trout start fattening up with in late Summer. Today a client came in who had been doing the Rosaschi Ranch section of the East Walker early in the morning, and back in time for breakfast. He noted that the trout were in the shallows... and asked why... well, think about it... were there dragon flies? “All over the place” then they were there to suck them off the grass and weeds while they were emerging! We think of a damsel as a still water pattern.. and it is.. but the meadows of the East Walker will turn blue with them. Use a damsel nymph in your rig, if you see this, you'll be surprised at how they key in on them.
E. CARSON: CA: Confirmation from people observing the hoards along the river at the Hwy 4 bridge, across from Carson River Resort, Buggers in olive or black, Caddis are hatching, PMD's and BWO's of course the hoppers are all over the place and also the ants. I'd certainly skate a stimulator in yellow or orange. Para-madam X in yellow or chartreuse. Nymphing: micro mayfly, EC caddis, PT, hare's ear, little yellow stone, caddis pupa, san Juan's. Catch & Release section (downstream at Hangman's Bridge), Like the water above, nice flows. The reports that we've gotten is that it's still a bit slow.. Walk away from the parking lot. Go further down stream. Start watching for the snakes trying to cool off in the water Same bug patterns as above.
Flows: average 79 cfs this week, just 20 cfs below median flow. above Hangman's (along hwy 89/4) Rumors and hearsay were true, that the river would be stocked this week.
E. CARSON: NV: In the early morning go for a dry dropper set up of a caddis (Elk Hair) with a zebra midge (black) drop. Mid day, if the fish will play, throw a bugger in a size 8 – size 12 Being clearer, start being a little more sneaky (yes, this is a fishing terminology :) Dead Drift Red Copper Johns, Golden stones, little yellow stones, zebra midges, or San Juans. Dry fly action should always include a dropper of a zebra midge, hare's ear, caddis pupa, make it a stimulator or grasshopper a cripple caddis or ant. It's almost time to start venturing up the further reaches, they'll hit s dry nicely early in the morning and late in the evening. Remember to release wilds (par marks, 'God's thumbprints' along lateral line) and the brown trout to keep the populations going!
Flows average: 86 cfs, about 20 cfs below median. NDOW stocked 2 weeks ago and there are certainly fish left.
W. CARSON: The Carson Rivers are at this time of year, considered 'irrigation canals. One week for watering for the CA side, the next week for the NV side.. with these lower flows, it certainly looks like the CA side. This stocked this week, Maybe even be a lucky shot at a wild or two on an ant pattern.. those little wilds are FAST! Look for the more oxygenated waters to the plunge pools for these speed demons. A note, if you do pick up a wild trout, please let it go, If using bait, just cut the line, no longer are viable trout being stocked. Dries: Elk Hair Caddis, Stimulator , Stone, adams in a 16, Pale Morning Dun mayfly size 14. Nymphs: Hare's ear, PT, Prince nymph (always a go-to!), zebra midges, WD-40.
Flows 27 cfs, running about 10 cfs below normal, and it received a bump in flows from storage above about 2 days ago..
E. WALKER: NV (Rosaschi Ranch): You know, maybe this time of year, have a little fun, use a pair of dykes and cut the hook off completely.. go out see what will hit your fly.. pull it out of their mouth,, no harm, no foul and they won't be stressed from fighting in warm water! Guides available for EARLY, EARLY morning ½ day trips. Early in the morning, they'll happily take a hopper in tan size 10 - 12, and don't forget that dropper! Dead drift light colored buggers (light olive, white),natural zonkers, clousers, copper johns, hare's ear, rubber legged stones, little yellow stones, red or black zebra midges, bubbleback midges, Hot Pink bugger, Tequila twist.
Flows 101 cfs: flows about 100 cfs below median. CATCH & RELEASE, NO BAIT, BARBLESS NO KILL. TAKE TEMPS after 9 am... off at 69 degrees.
E. WALKER: CA Buggers, PT,s Chrino's , and midge on a heavy rig. Still getting some very nice Trico hatches early in the morning, and the caddis are still showing.. by about 9 am, it’s over with. So get there early. WD40 a great pattern for the Tricos, along with spent wings trico and an emerging caddis, a very productive pattern for dry takes when they caddis are dancing. Damsels are coming off with this heat and a damsel nymph is a good one to have on your rig. A good idea is to get the CLEAR glow in the dark Thingamabobbers, you'll get use to keying in on it (looks like a large airbubble, to you AND THE FISH. The fish won't move off it as easily. Nymphs they weren't too picky about, ADD, ADHD, black brassies, nitro caddis, bubble back, hare's ear.
Flows 90 cfs, about 50 cfs below median: TAKE TEMPS after 9 am... off at 69 degrees. CATCH & RELEASE NO BAIT, BARBLESS (Special Regulations)Flows have been steady.
E. WALKER: NV ELBOW AREA PT's Hare's ear, stone, Micro Mayfly, san juans. Dries: Stimi's in yellow, hoppers, PMD's.
Flows 10 cfs. If doing C & R in that area: TAKE TEMPS after 9 am... off at 69 degrees.
WEST WALKER : CA: Pickel Meadows is still pretty busy, perhaps hit area with a dinner picnic when everyone else goes home for the evening. (REMINDER: Release the Browns, if you want to see one in the future!) Yellow Crystal bugger is a go to on this water, (Walker Bugger), red/black or green copper johns, hare's ears, Flashback Pheasant tail and rubber legged stones. Dries: Stimulator, Royal Wulff, Caddis, Adams, EHC.
Flows average: 89 It's gotten low, so use a bit more stealth and look for the cooler more oxygenated tailouts.
WEST WALKER: NV (Hoye Canyon): Hoye Canyon is NO LONGER open to the public. Only fishing on the West Walker Nevada access is Wilson Canyon on 208 south of Yerington.
HOBART OPEN. Early in the morning the lake is popping, then they go a bit deeper due to the heat and the sun. Damsels, PT's zebra midges, red or black, mosquito's, black ants. For Directions for a 4 x 4 vehicle: Closes September 30th.
PYRAMID LAKE: We have guides for Pyramid Lake. Make your reservations NOW for the opening weeks, slots will fill up FAST!!! Opens in 50 days, start thinking of getting your boxes filled with patterns to emulate the Tui Chub and streamers for opener, for about the first 3 weeks they are heavy on the bait fish! Get your license online.
TOPAZ: Topaz Lake is still good. Still getting nice reports at the inlet area and have gotten reports that the bass are still very active along the rocky shelves. The bass will certianly hit 'big unglies', buggers, dead drift cray fish. THE CARP are leaving the shallows, but can still be targeted in that southern area. (if you haven't done carp fishing, come in and ask.. it's a hoot!) Olive buggers, damsel nymphs, Carp flies, crayfish patterns and a very stout 8 weight rod. FYI the canal temps were at 76 degrees coming out of the lake. Not good for C & R.
If fishing the LAKE of Topaz, a CA (OR) an NV.. if you turn to do the outlet (Topaz Canal) you must have a NV license. As is, turning to the inlet, you would have to have a CA license. Be informed the Canal area is now marked NO Trespassing about 2 miles from head wall (It is private property).
SPOONER: A PERSONAL NOTE: catch a chub, KILL IT.. This lake has become so over populated with chub, that the trout there are competing for food. Not much has changed since last week's report: Damsels, zebra midges, copper johns, PT's buggers in white, olive, zug bugs, princes. If you see lips: Para Adams, Trico. Just want to catch ANY fish (chub) use a zug bug... it's a guaranteed take.
DESERT CREEK: A bit cooler water at this little creek, since it doesn't get the hot afternoon sun. Buggers, hoppers, ants, caddis, little yellow stones.
HEENAN: Opens on September 2nd!!! Catch and Release Only, No bait, No Kill, Barbless. Open September – October, only on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Sunrise to Sunset (Specified).
INDIAN CREEK: Weeds are up. Fish are going a bit deep, if fishing from shore, I'd throw a damsel early in the morning. If in a float tube, you'll do better, and start using an intermediate or sink tip. Finger crawl your nymphs. Buggers in olive, black and white. Red zebra midges, Blood midges, small Maholo's, hares' ear, damsels, sheep creek specials. (PRO HINT: Strip to the tune of the theme to Bonanza, to vary the movement of the streamers).
BURNSIDE: fished okay this past week, slows down at high sun, same as ICR, go deep or go home if you are going out on the water mid day.
KIRMAN: It's warm, best to leave it until a few weeks, and we'll get a COLD snap up there. We may have lost fish due to last year's low water and then a Winter kill. A few fish have been caught. Watch for rattle snakes on the way up and out. Scuds, zugs, damsels, olive buggers, chrino's to the weed beds.
TRUCKEE: Flows in Mogul are about 266 and holding prett steady, Previously this week, we put out a chart of the temperatures out of Sparks (yes, a different location, but a good place to start) Watch those temps on the river, start looking around 11 am, and check every 30 minutes. (take a break, drink some water) Fishing pretty well on the California side. And up higher on the NV side, lots of the LCT's stocked by USFWS are STILLbeing caught. Stones, Green Drake nymphs (Olive hare's ear, in a pinch) San Juans , Rainbow warriors. If you're adventurous, throw a big ugly Rabbit strip fly to clean up a run or hole. It was hit pretty hard with 2 years of hard drought and really warm water temps. There are some survivors and that's good. If we want the repopulation of brown trout to be there, let them go (tell your spin or bait buddies) FWS dumped in a big load of Little LCT's.. good fodder for the browns and big 'bows.
O'BANION'S ASPEN LAKE: Closed Due to summer Algae bloom.. will announce when reopening.
Did you know that The Angler's Edge has guides covering Pyramid, walk/wade or float the Truckee, trips to Kirman and all the way to the Owens River and Crowley? Book a day or ½ day!! call the shop to learn these waters with a professional 775-781-7112.
ASSORTED REPORTS: Let us know if there are waters that you want reports on! We'll place them here.
More Reports
Angler's Edge Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, August 4th, 2016East Carson River (NV): Carson River Fishing Report
West Carson River (CA): West Carson River Fishing Report
West Walker River (NV): Walker River West Fork Fishing Report
East Walker River (CA): Walker River East Fork Fishing Report
East Walker River (NV): Walker River East Fork Fishing Report
West Walker River (CA): Walker River West Fork (CA) Fishing Report
West Walker River (NV): Walker River West Fork (NV) Fishing Report
Hobart Reservoir: Hobart Fishing Report
Pyramid Lake, CA: Pyramid Lake Fishing Report
Topaz Lake: Topaz Lake Fishing Report
Spooner Lake: Spooner Lake Fishing Report
Desert Creek: Desert Creek Fishing Report
Heenan Lake : Heenan Lake Fishing Report
Indian Creek Reservoir: Indian Creek Reservoir Fishing Report
Kirman Lake: Kirman Lake Fishing Report
Truckee River: Truckee River Fishing Report
Please still carry a thermometer if you are going to be doing any Catch and Release. Have you looked closely at the trees around the Valley? See those bits of yellow? Wondering each day if Fall is going to arrive a bit sooner this year. It would be great to see some cooler temps for a few weeks, and then after the throngs of tourists leave, the locals will have a Fall Fishing Festivus for the Rest of...... Read More
Please still carry a thermometer if you are going to be doing any Catch and Release. Have you looked closely at the trees around the Valley? See those bits of yellow? Wondering each day if Fall is going to arrive a bit sooner this year. It would be great to see some cooler temps for a few weeks, and then after the throngs of tourists leave, the locals will have a Fall Fishing Festivus for the Rest of...... Read More © 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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