Folsom Lake

Folsom Lake - Folsom Lake, CA

Photo Credit: Shauns Guide Service

by Shaun Rainsbarger‎

With Donner lake being frozen and snowed in, I've been working Folsom lake as Englebright lake is still flowing over the dam.

We met early and started trolling fast for Rainbows. We got the first one within a half hour and it was the biggest at 17 inches. These aren't your typical truck trout either. These rainbows are natural fish and there's a good population at Folsom. 

We then tried to get a King salmon in the net, but after an hour and only one bite, we went back to trying for bows. And once the wind picked back up, we netted number two. It was also a beautiful broomtail, fighting very hard for being only 16 inches! 

Not alot of action, but quality fighting rainbows. 



Photo Credit: Shauns Guide Service

Shaun’s Guide Service offers personal guided trips for up to 6 people. We have been fishing for 35 years and know how to catch! For more information visit our website or give us a call at (530) 802-4484.

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