Kokanee Allure

Whiskeytown Lake - Whiskeytown, CA (Shasta County)

The Kokanee are calling come get us
Photo Credit: Scott Caldwell

by Scott Caldwell

Whiskeytown Kokanee are fattening up and beginning to provide some action. Yesterday, Clancy Johnson and his good buddy Richard Handley hooked up 10 fiesty Kokes. The bite was by no mean hot and we worked hard to find biting fish. When we did have action it was often doubles. Our landing ratio was not good as we only better 3 out of the 10, but as most Kokanee fisherman know, these little hard fighting silver bullets are excellent at spitting the hook. This is part of the challenge and attraction that most Kokanee fisherman love besides the fact they are fantastic eating. As we maneuver through spring and into summer fishing will get better. Whiskeytown is a great little fishery book your trip now and come get hooked on the allure of Kokanee fishing.

Give me a call 530 905 0758 or email me at Scott@Caldwellfishing.com or Book Online it is that easy 

Great little fighters and tasty meals!
Photo Credit: Scott Caldwell

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