Saturday update

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

The NEW SEAFORTH's morning half-day trip caught 3 yellowtail and 17 bonito.

The Tribute started the morning with 2 bluefin tuna at 30#'s apiece and seeing good sign of the big boys.

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UPDATE 1:30pm - The San Diego is now up to 13 Bluefin tuna, 25 to 60lbs! These fish are bliting fly-lined sardines and a few on some flat fall jigs. 12:00pm - The San Diego has 7 Bluefin (20-40#) and 1 Yellowtail on the boat for their 36 anglers. They have plenty of room through the weekend, so make your reservations now and get in on some bluefin fishing!...... Read More

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Thursday, April 26th, 2018
: Thursday Bluefin
: Thursday report