Great Fishing at the Coronado Islands!

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

UPDATE 4:45pm - The San Diego finished with 109 Yellowtail and 35 Calico Bass for their 33 anglers on their full day trip to the Coronado Islands on Sunday! These fish have been biting fly-lined baits and some fish have been biting the surface irons. The size of the Yellowtail range from 6-10lbs and 18-25lbs according to Captain Cameron. The San Diego has light loads all week and departs daily at 5:30am to fish the Coronado Islands for Yellowtail, Barracuda, Bonito and Calico Bass! A valid passport is required for ALL anglers!

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12:00 Update! The San Diego is up to 80 yellowtail on the boat! Previous Report Captain Cameron just called in from the San Diego's Full Day Coronado Island trip with 25 yellowtail on the boat. There is a mix of fish on the boat, with half the fish in the 6-10 pound range, and the other half in the 18-25 pound range. The San Diego is a go tomorrow, and there is plenty of room on the boat currently. Make your reservations now and...... Read More

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Saturday, June 2nd, 2018
: Full Day Yellowtail
: Saturday afternoon update
: Saturday report