Offshore Yellowfin


by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

Captain Shane just called in from the Tribute's One Day trip. They got an early start and have put 8 yellowfin on the boat so far. Keep an eye out for more updates, there is still plenty of fishing to go!

More Reports

The Prowler has a one day trip leaving Friday night at 9:00pm fishing offshore for Tuna and Yellowtail! The Sea Watch has a full day Coronado Island trip departing Friday at 5:30am. A valid passport is required. The San Diego's full day trip Thursday caught 2 Yellowfin tuna, 171 Yellowtail, 7 barracuda and 2 Bonito. Half-day trips depart daily at 6:00am and 12:30pm. ...... Read More

The Tomahawk returned this morning from a 2.5 day trip with 58 Yellowfin Tuna, 2 Bluefin Tuna and 62 Yellowtail! The Yellowfin Tuna are up to 25 lbs! The Prowler has a one day trip leaving Thursday night at 9:00pm fishing offshore for Tuna and Yellowtail! The Aztec has a 1.5 day trip leaving Thursday at 9:00pm also fishing offshore for Tuna and Yellowtail! ...... Read More