Game On

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

11:30am - Captain Greg on the Aztec just reported in with 29 Bluefin Tuna onboard at this time. The two largest taped out at 236 and 246lbs. and were caught on Flatfalls in the dark. The majority of the Bluefin are in the 50-90lb. class and are daylight fish on sardines and Flatfalls.

More Reports

UPDATE 5:25pm - The Tribute is returning home from their overnight trip with 140 Yellowfin Tuna and 103 Skipjack for their 33 anglers! The Tribute has plenty of space all week departing at 10pm each night! 5:15pm - The Pride is returning from an overnight trip with 85 Yellowfin and 85 Skipjack for their 17 anglers! 12:15PM - Captain Matt of the San Diego just called in with 45+ Yellowfin Tuna for the morning of their Full Day...... Read More

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Saturday, October 6th, 2018
: Full Day Yellowfin
: Saturday update