Thursday update

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

The SAN DIEGO's full day trip for Friday is a go for sure and departs at 5:30am. A valid passport is required for all passengers.

The AZTEC returned from a 1.75 day with 55 Bluefin for 21 anglers.

Friday's 1/2 day trips depart at 6:00am and 12:30pm.

More Reports

UPDATE 12:00pm - The San Diego just called in with 20+ Yellowtail so far for their full day trip to the Coronado Islands! 11:15am - Captain Greg aboard the Aztec just called in with 38 Bluefin Tuna (45lbs - 80lbs) so far for their 1.75 day trip! He is also reporting in great weather offshore! The Aztec has trips scheduled all next week. Call now to get in on this awesome bluefin bite! The Tribute returned...... Read More

The PACIFIC VOYAGER returned from a four day trip with 65 Bluefin tuna and 3 Bigeye tuna. The largest Bluefin tipped the landing scale at 273 pounds.The AZTEC's 1.75 day trip returned with 73 Bluefin and 3 Yellowfin tuna. Largest fish for this trip was 228 pounds.Full day fishing aboard the SAN DIEGO is a go for Wednesday Nov. 7th at 5:30 am. A valid passport is required for all passengers....... Read More