Clear Lake Fishing Report by Danny Cross

Clear Lake - Clearlake, CA (Lake County)

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Danny Cross

by RB Bass

Clear Lake report: 4/5-4/12
Water temp: 53-58
Water clarity: 2-4ft

I was up at clear lake for the week for the 2019 WON Bass Open and was on the water for 7 days. We had blue bird skies, no wind days, rain, and a couple days with some serious wind!

In practice I was finding a lot of bites up shallow, 1-10ft, but every fish caught at this depth were bucks. After a couple days of this, knowing I would need a bigger bite, I decided to go deep.   I mean DEEP for Clear Lake standards, and that’s where I was able to find some better fish.   I spent a lot of time idling around watching the graph and I was consistently finding fish in the 18-35 ft mark on the graph. I then took this to some of my key spots and went to work. I would just set my front graph to map mode and would follow the contour line and cast parallel to that depth and slow roll an A-rig down there. I was primarily fishing the posse 6 shooter A-rig paired with a Dobyns 806 swimbait rod and the heavy limits A-rig paired with a Dobyns 806 crank bait rod depending on depth. If the wind was blowing ,it was an A-rig bite. When the wind stopped so did my reaction bite, but I found dragging a shaky head or a drop shot with a MMIII Robo Worm paired with a Dobyns 703 with the same approach was working.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Danny Cross

Overall the bite was really good with lots of fish to be caught. The fish this year are super healthy and very fat! I ended up weighing in 59.9lbs for the 3 days which was good enough for 17th on a 126 boat field. Now is the time to get out there and get some of these big ones as they are on the move for the spawn.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Danny Cross

Big thank you to the WON Bass crew for one of the funnest events I look forward to every year. We had a great turn out this year with 126 boats. The shared weight pro/am format is alot of fun. I had a blast and fished with some great co-anglers this year and made alot of new friends. Already looking forward to fishing it again next year. Clear Lake 4-14-19

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Danny Cross

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