Crowley Lake Fish Report for 10-24-2019
Crowley Lake Fishing Report
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff
Water Conditions: Fair - Good
We have gone from "why is it so inconsistent" to "it's inconsistent in the fall , live with it". The fish seem to be spreading out and/or moving up into the streams on spawning runs making it harder and harder to find any concentrations .The north end in 14'-18' has been the most consistent but even there it's getting harder, part of that is the fishing pressure in the north end has been extreme. Closer to the mouth of the Owens River, McGee Bay, Hilton Bay and Crooked Creek have had their moments but once again a lot of searching with mixed results. The wind slowed fishing down last weekend but it picked up again mid week. Try some smaller, darker midges if the fishing is slow . There are fish showing inconsistently all around the lake so with a little exploring you might find the next hot spot and have it to yourself for a while.
NYMPHS: Copper Zebra #16-18 | Shaft Emerger #16-18 | Albino Baron #16-18 Copper Clowns | Anything gray | Yankee Buzzer #18
STREAMERS: Marabou Leech Brown #12 | Crystal Bugger Olive #12 | Punk Perch #10-14 | Balanced Birds Nest #14-16
More Reports
The Trout Fitter Reports
for Thursday, October 24th, 2019
Mammoth Lakes Basin: Mammoth Lakes Basin Fishing Report
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fishing Report
San Joaquin River: San Joaquin Fishing Report

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