Starting the new year off right

Klamath River - Upper - CA - Hornbrook, CA (Siskiyou County)

Photo Credit: Scott Caldwell

by Scott Caldwell

Beautiful fish no traffic and a double digit fishing catching day. That is how you start the new year off on the Klamath river.

Give me a call 530 905 0758 and let's get your new started off the fish biting way too.

Book online at 

More Reports

Finishing 2019 with a Steely Bite
Klamath River - Upper - CA

2019 has been a great year on water and the Klamath continues to treat my clients and I so very...... Read More

December keeps Pumping Klamath Steel
Klamath River - Upper - CA

12/18/19 - It has been a Merry rod bending December, a little colder weather yesterday on the Klamath,  Dom an...... Read More