East Walker River (CA) Fish Report for 7-17-2020
East Walker River Fishing Report
East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

by The Trout Fitter Staff
Water Conditions: Fair
Flows are back up to 144 cfs as of 7/16
Water temperatures mid to upper 60s midday
Fishing conditions and Hatches: Fair
As mentioned at the start of the report they're calling for an increase in thunderstorms next week which could really help out. Definitely into summer mode with Tricos and big midges especially up towards the dam. The flows have come back up so the faster water should be more oxygenated but the water temperatures have gone up so take lots of temperature readings and be aware of the fish's speed of recovery. Also leave the fish in the water if you're taking pictures. The hatches have been sporadic with midges and Tricos being the strongest but also Caddis. Not a lot of surface activity, the best being the last couple of hours of light. I repeat the evenings are worth a try. Shouldn't be too long before the Perch fry start getting flushed into the river.
DRIES: REALLY big Chernobylly Mousey looking stuff | Mother Shucker #22-24 | Brite Wing PMD #16-18 | E/C Caddis #14-18 | Sloan's Outrigger Caddis #14 | Sparkle Flag Black #20-22
NYMPHS: Prince Nymph #12-16| Dead Drift Crayfish #8 | Bottom Roller Psycho #10-12 | Copper Zebra #16-18 | T's Stone Drummond Light #8-10 | T J Hooker #6-10 | Newbury's Alt Rocker #16-18 | Flashback Barr's Emerger #16-18 | Pheasant Tail Midge Pupa #12-14 | Blood Midge #12-16
STREAMERS: Meat Whistle | Sculpzilla | Hornberg #6-8 | Belly Scratcher Minnow Chub #2 | Bank Robber Sculpin #2 |
Playbate Chartreuse #1/0
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