The Metolius Is Looking Great

Metolius River - Metolius Springs, OR (Jefferson County)

by Fly and Field Outfitters

The Metolius is looking great. The section from Allingham bridge to the headwaters is open. Green drakes are finally starting to hatch consistently, usually right after or during a pale morning dun hatch. Blue wing olives are also fairly consistent right now. Caddis range from size 12 - 18 and hatch sporadically throughout the day. For your nymphs, golden stones and green drake nymphs would be my first choice. May fly patterns, either general or specific, are good bets too. Pupa are always in the drift and are a really stellar choice if the fish seem to be feeding in the middle of the water column. When the fish are off the bottom, swinging soft hackles can be an underrated tactic. Any day on the Metolius is a great day, but days with green drakes are particularly amazing. 


Suggested Dries: Parachute Green Drake #10-12, Last Chance Green Drake #10-12, Carnage Drake #10-14, Double Decker Green Drake #10-12, Carlson’s Olive Haze #10-14, Hackle Stacker BWO #18-20, Sparkle Dun BWO #18-20, Purple Haze #16-20, Tilt Wing BWO #18-20, Olive Haze #16-18, Parachute BWO #18-20, Tilt Wing Mahogany #16-18, Tilt Wing PMD #16-18, Hackle Stacker PMD #14-16, Black or Tan Elk Hair Caddis #14-18, Parachute Adams #16-20

Suggested Nymphs: Lex’s Improved Golden Stone #8-10, Poxyback Golden Stone #8-10, Golden Trout Retriever #8-10, Brown Jimmy Legs #8-12, Deep October Pupa #8-10, Jigged Tungsten Hare’s Ear #14-16, Jigged CDC PT #14-16, Guide’s Choice Hare’s Ear #14-18, Black Super Sinker #16-18, Copper Microstone #14-18, Red Copper John #16-18, Olive Anato-May #16-18, Olive Micro May #18-20, Black Lightning Bug #14-18, Olive or Tan Sparkle Pupa #16-18, Nitro Caddis Pupa #16-18

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