Fish Report for 6-20-2021
The Dry Action Has Really Picked Up on The East Walker River

by Kens Sporting Goods Staff
The flow on the East is still running at about 75 cfs. The dry action has really picked up on the river, lots of good dry and dry/dropper reports coming in throughout the day, this is really cool for the East Walker as it’s fairly rare to get this kind of surface action down there! Of course the nymphing is still good as well and we’ve had a couple good streamer reports, mainly in the early morning. It’s getting pretty warm during the day lately so it’s best to be on the water early and fish until around 11am or so then let it rest during the day and get back down there later in the evening, maybe 5 or so until dark. The water temps are still in the 60’s and the fish are still very healthy and full of energy. Some patterns to try: parachute adams, elk hair caddis, E/C caddis, chubby chernobyl, madam X, micro mayfly, perdigon nymph, zebra midge, flashback emerger, darth baetis, silver streak, rainbow warrior, dark lord, dead drift crayfish, sculpzilla.
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: Bridgeport Fish Report
5.71 lber Out of Lower Twin
Twin Lake Lower
Fishin Mission faithful Toni Ruggle of Chico, CA takes the lead with a 5lb 11.5oz rainbow from Lower Twin. ...... Read More

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