Colorado River - Laughlin Fish Report for 9-2-2021
Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty
This is great and look where we live. Our local and visiting anglers are having some success in catching fish. We have some great opportunities through out our area. Up on our local Lake Lake Mohave Jennifer Gonzalez was out trolling while Raul was operating the boat she hooked a nice 7.3 pound striper at 28 and 5/8 inches. They were above the power lines using a jig in a white pattern. I have been getting a lot of reports that the white or bone color works well in various parts of the lake while below the Davis Dam it usually a trout pattern that produces well.
A quick marsh story Raul Gonzalez went out to the Topock marsh area and brought in some channel cats he loaded while using anchovies fishing from his boat and Yep anchovies seems to work well for catfish and stripers even a rainbow trout has been know to be landed on anchovies in our area.
Speaking of rainbow trout our local anglers Tony and his son Donovyn Pardee were fishing from shore in the Rotary park area and landed a nice string of rainbows. They were using night crawlers and a trout spinner in this case it was the ever productive blue fox. an all time favorite for a lot of anglers that prefer to target the trout that we have here. We are getting into trout season a bit early this year I am assuming the city is planting the rainbow trout to help with the caddis fly issue. To get a schedule of the city's stocking program I assume a call to city hall should work or the pest abatement dept. The Willow beach hatchery will resume the yearly stocking is October or so we hope they have been doing this for a number of years and provide us with some quality fish. I will try and keep all posted and an update when we get close to this great program for our local and visiting anglers.
Hope this helps some for now and we so look forward to seeing you in soon to share that catch and the story that shoes how well you have done. Mostly thanks so much for all of your support Now go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 620 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-753-7550
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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