Ice along some of the shoreline with ice building

Wilson Reservoir - Mountain City, NV (Elko County)

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

No recent report, but expect similar conditions as at South Fork.  This means ice along some of the shoreline with ice building starting on Monday.   For the bait anglers, worms seem to be working better than PowerBait for trout.  Fly rodders should have some success with leech and wooly bugger patterns.  Nymphs include blue copper Johns, hares ears, PT’s and chironomids.  This lake often has similar conditions to South Fork and the same techniques and presentations often work. The boat ramp is out of the water and is unusable.

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Friday, December 3rd, 2021
Angel Lake: The road to Angel Lake is closed for the winter
Wild Horse Reservoir: There is ice in the coves, but still plenty of open water for fishing
Lamoille Creek: As of December 3, Lamoille Creek is at 6.5 cfs
Comins Lake: Comins Lake is about 60% ice covered
Cold Creek Reservoir: NDOW will begin rebuilding the fishery in 2022