Bull Trout fishing has been good on big streamers

Metolius River - Metolius Springs, OR (Jefferson County)

by The Fly Fishers Place

So, starting on the Metolius here is what you should expect. Bull Trout fishing has been good on big streamers. Swinging on a sink tip or using a heavier fly and use a floating line. A lot of success is coming on streamers fished under an indicator. With this method you can keep the flies just off the bottom reducing snags if set up correctly, but also it allows the fly to work around the logs and ledges where some of the bull trout lurk waiting to do their predator thing!

Bull Trout will also eat Red Ice Cream Cones, Chartreuse Mops, Squirmies and Leeches. All of these we’d recommend using under an indicator.

Hatches you’ll see will mostly be Blue Wing Olives #18-22, but October Caddis #8-10, Silver Stripe Sedges #10, Snow Sedges #12-14, a few smaller Bracycentrus Caddis #14-16, and Black Winter Stones (#14-16).
All of this does not equal never ending dry fly fishing.
I know, I’m sad too.

But it does give you more to think about when approaching the river from bottom to top. Any of these might work as a dry, but in fairness the caddis are going to be better matched as Pupa.

Sometimes the Little Black Stones will be prolific enough to get the fish looking up for them. Especially around the Allingham to Gorge Stretch.
Hatches are going to happen between noon and 3 in January for the most part.

Nymph fishing is good all day, especially from about 9 am to 4 pm.
Euro Nymphing techniques have been our most consistent method lately. Walts Worms, Olive Perdigons, Jig Copper Johns and Tungsten Eggs have been great. Zebra Midges, Sparkle Pupa, Realistic Pupa and Blue Psycho Prince are great droppers.

Never forget to add Golden Stone Nymphs and October Caddis Pupa to the Winter Nymph Box for the Met.

Access is pretty good despite the snow. A lot of snow has melted in the last 3 days helping access. I have heard 4X4 trucks are making it past the hatchery through the unplowed maintenance area. Be careful and be prepared with a plan to get unstuck if you think you are going to try that. I’m not recommending it, but I know some people have made it today.
Plenty of access in the open fishing areas from Allingham to Wizard Falls Hatchery that you won’t have to worry about being stuck.

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for Friday, December 24th, 2021

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