The Lower Deschutes is open in the Maupin area

Deschutes River- Lower - Maupin, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Lower Deschutes is open in the Maupin area so that’s where the FFP team has been focused on. We’ve been having some great drifts from Nena to Wapinitia and enjoying good March Brown hatches, mixed with Caddis and BWO’s.

There seems to be an early abundance of big black stoneflies on the move towards the shoreline. We believe the Salmonfly hatch is going to be early this year. Maybe a cool April could slow that down, but I would expect to see salmonflies 7 to 14 days early this season.
That means right now, you should be fishing big black stonefly nymphs for sure. And green rock worms, various caddis pupa, Perdigons , PT’s, Hares Ear type flies including Walts Worms and small Brown or Olive mayfly nymphs #16-18.

Warm Springs, Mecca, Trout Creek, South Jct all OPEN on April 22 so keep that in mind and avoid fishing closed waters.