Hot Creek Fish Report for 7-8-2022
Flows dropping and slower fishing.
Hot Creek - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by Jim Elias
Flows at 25CFS - Water Temp - 65 - Water is clear
Rod Size: #4-#5 Weights
Tippet Size: 5X-6X
Leader: Euro/Czech Leader, 7.5ft 5X
Best Techniques: Dry, Dry Dropper, Euro Nymphing, Nymphing with Yarn Indicators or small bobbers
Dry Flies: Sulfur Parachute #16-18, Sparkle DUN #16, CDC Baetis DUN #16, CDC Baetis Emerger #18, Parachute Adams #16-18, Parachute Caddis Gray #16-18, Elk Hair Caddis #16-18, EC Caddis Gray #18, CDC Caddis Emerger #18, JuJu Emerger or Gray/Olive RS2s
Nymphs: Buck Skin Caddis #18, BH Fox's Caddis Poopah Olive #16, Split Case PMD #18, Thrift Shop Caddis # 16, Nori's Caddis Pupa Olive #18, Deep 6 Caddis Pupa Green #16, Copper Zebra Midge #20-22, T-Midge Black #20-22, Turbo Midge #16, Eurotrash Nymph Olive #16, BH Flashback Pheasant Tail #18-20, Olive or Gray Scuds #16, Hogan's S&M Nymph Olive #20
Streamers: Probably not a great idea.
Flows have continued to drop, exposing more weeds and rocks. With this the fish have since moved back into the weeds for cover from the many predatory birds looking for an easy meal. Best bet is early mornings before the sun is on the canyon for any shot at a fish on a dry. Otherwise a small bobber or a yarn indicator will get the job done. You'll want to focus in between the weed lanes, and the deeper runs (what's left of them). Dry dropper or a bigger foam hopper will also work, I've been seeing some bigger yellow bodied hoppers down there, but only a handful so don't expect much honestly. 5X is the name of the game, anything thicker will likely be ignored considering how clear the water is. Euro nymphing will work in between the weeds with smaller jig head nymphs. Seeing some Trico spinners if you're here early enough along with some midges, otherwise there are some PMDs still coming off mid morning and caddis late if the wind stays down. BWOs are all but gone but you may see a few very small ones throughout the day.
Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..
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