Comins Lake Fish Report for 8-12-2022
Surface water temperatures are in the 70’s
Comins Lake - Ely, NV (White Pine County)

by Nevada Department of Wildlife
Surface water temperatures are in the 70’s and fishing is fair for trout and fair to good for bass. With the warmer temperatures, anglers should be fishing deeper for trout. Nightcrawlers have been working for trout though anglers have also been doing well using PowerBait. Black or olive wooly buggers and black, olive or wine-colored leech patterns on a fast sinking line are also productive for trout and bass. One angler reports catching nice trout using white chironomid patterns fished about eight feet below a strike indicator. Black or red snow cones with a white bead and contrasting red or black wire ribbing, fished deep under strike slip indicators have also been working. Bass are hitting on soft plastic worms and grubs in a variety of colors as well as swimbaits and minnow imitations. Spinning tackle has produced the best results for pike. Anglers please note that NDOW has placed radio tags in several Northern Pike. These pike will have an orange Floy tag near their dorsal fin and a small antenna (~ 7 inches long) coming from their stomach. Please return these fish to the water for research purposes. All other pike should be humanely dispatched. There is no limit on the pike.
More Reports
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Friday, August 12th, 2022
Cold Creek Reservoir: NDOW will continue to work to rebuilding the Largemouth Bass fishery
Wild Horse Reservoir: Shore anglers will do best where the banks are steep
Angel Lake: Anglers report fair to good fishing for both rainbow and tiger trout
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, August 4th, 2022
Sparks Marina Park Pond: We are in full summer mode
Baily Fishing Pond: Green sunfish and Bluegill can be caught all day long
Marilyn's Pond: There’s still fish to be caught
Davis Creek Park Pond: Davis Creek Pond Fishing Report
Marlette Lake: Marlette has been steady this season
James Kinney Pond: We are in full summer mode
Knott Creek Reservoir: Knott Creek has been slow to rebound from the last few years
Lake Tahoe: Lake Tahoe- Sand Harbor Report
Liberty Pond: Liberty Pond Fishing Report
Mitch Pond: Mitch Pond Fishing Report
Mountain View Park Pond: Mountain View Park Pond Fishing Report
Paradise Park Ponds: Paradise Park Ponds Fishing Report
Blue Lakes: Not many reports back from Blue this season
Chimney Dam Reservoir: Chimney Dam Reservoir Fishing Report
Humboldt River: Humbolt River Fishing Report
Little Humboldt River - North Fork: Wild populations of rainbow, cutthroat, and brown trout exist and fishing is expected to be fair to poor
Seemand Pond: Seemand Pond Fishing Report
Virginia Lake: Virginia Lake Fishing Report

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