The Lower Deschutes is really quite good in the Locked Gate to Maupin areas

Deschutes River- Lower - Maupin, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Lower Deschutes is really quite good in the Locked Gate to Maupin areas. March Brown hatches have begun, along with BWO’s and some #14-16 Grey Caddis. Stonefly nymphs are migrating to the shore lines for hatching in about 3-4 weeks from now (imagine a warm Lower Deschutes day fishing in a short sleeve shirt with the sun beating down on your arms and bugs everywhere!….It’s closer than we think)
A lot of good tight line nymph activity happening, and certainly some indicator action too. Don’t forget your Trout Spey and do some swinging with sculpins and leeches. BTW, a trout spey with a Skagit line makes for a heck’uva indicator rig, especially when fishing hard to reach gravel bars there would be no way to fish otherwise.
What really turns our crank is the April 22nd opening from Warm Springs to Trout Creek. That is one short week away and we look forward to the same great Lower D fishing but with an hour less drive time each way. Plus, we love WS to TC, Mecca, Dry Creek and all that water. Such a cool spot.