Truckee River Fish Report for 8-12-2023
Good solid fishing on the Truckee River
Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665
Been saying that all Summer. Perfect flows, nice warm weather. Not that much Summer left now though. That’s ok, Fall will be here, and this Fall will be amazing.
Trouts still eating a lot of crayfish, at least the bigger ones. You can always get some drinks on a smaller beaded nymph, but these big fish on the Truckee River are on the animal diet. Big and small, fat and thin. It’s the predominate source of food for our trout. Not sure why the trout guys around the West don’t talk about crayfish more, but even in other places, a crayfish pattern will crush them. Ralph Cutter was on to it years ago. Thanks Ralph.
So crayfish, smaller mayflies, and caddis We get a nice nocturnal stonefly hatch right around now through the canyons, and West of Reno. Trouts love to much on those big stonefly nymphs. They’re about as big as a salmonfly nymph. When you see those big stonefly casings on the rocks, they’ve been hatching very early, before sunrise. Get out very early and try getting some fish on top.
The upper river is still very low. Tahoe City to the inlet at Boca is pretty darn skinny. Just no water coming out of Lake Tahoe yet. Hirschdale through Reno and below has the good flows right now. That’s pretty common, most of our water comes out of Stampede, and Boca reservoirs. It’s just weird on the 3’rd wettest Winter on record there’s been no rafting season for those folks up there. Ok, I guess, way less beer cans and flip flops in the river.
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