Pyramid Lake Fish Report for 1-12-2024
Pyramid really kicked into gear this week with the shift in weather
Pyramid Lake - Sutcliffe, NV (Washoe County)

by Trout Creek Outfitters
(530) 563-5119
Pyramid really kicked into gear this week with the shift in weather. We are seeing the general catch rate improve, to go along with some large fish in the mix. The beaches with any significant drop offs seem to be fishing a bit better than the beaches with a gradual drop off, or those that remain at a similar depth for a while. These fish are always on the move, and beaches that have a good shelf into 15-20 feet of water will be great areas to find fish that move in from deeper water to feed then head back out to the depths. Balanced leeches will be fishing best early mornings due to their larger profiles. Try starting with a dark color for the first hour or so after sun-up, then switching to a lighter color in the morning hours. At around 10 to 11 o’clock the midges will begin their daily emergence, and this is when fishing a midge will become most effective. If it’s a windy day and there’s chop on the lake, we like to do both a leech and a midge during this time of the day.
The fish are a bit spread out in the water column and can be found anywhere from 4”-14”. The bigger fish are often found on the deeper side of this range. Landing a large fish with an indicator set at these depths is nearly impossible and typically requires a hand from a fellow angler. So, don’t be bashful if you need a hand. Most anglers out here are more than happy to help. As per usual, we have seen the best bite window out here be mid-morning, from around 8am-12pm, typically seeing a mid-day lull, then sometimes picking back up in the afternoon. However, the most important thing out here will always be keeping that fly in the water and in front of as many fish as possible. When currents or waves move your flies a bit faster than you’d like, you end up casting more and spend less time with your flies in the strike zone. To negate this try using heavier flies to keep them anchored down and less prone to being dragged by the currents.
You can also find a sweet spot on the beach you’re fishing where there is just a bit more of a break from the wind or current. Just make sure it also fits the criteria for good areas to find cruising fish as well. As we come into the heart of winter fishing out here, keeping all these factors in mind will maximize your odds at landing a giant in this trophy fishery.
If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek or call (530) 563-5119.
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