Los Vaqueros Reservoir Fish Report for 2-28-2024
Los Vaqueros Outing 2/28/2024
Los Vaqueros Reservoir - Livermore, CA (Contra Costa County)

by Paul Clouse and Al Hurwitz
Los Vaqueros Reservoir continues to produce well for trollers targeting Lassen Rainbow Trout. I landed four nice Lassens ranging from one to three and a half pounds of which two were kept and two were safely released. Photo below of Paul with the largest one. The “go to” lures, Rapala J-9s, continue to be the most effective lure troll for these fish. The fish continue to linger in shallower water, (10’ to 15’), in the back of the coves. The surface water temperature remains cool at 55’-56’ keeping the fish near the surface. Another very enjoyable day with perfect fishing weather. Looks like we have a series of atmospheric rivers headed our direction so looks like next outing will be late next week.
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Los Vaqueros Reservoir
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