The reservoir is fishing well

Keswick Reservoir - Redding, CA (Shasta County)

by The Fly Shop

The reservoir is fishing well with a lot of rainbows coming to eat your balance leech. Fish it on a sinking line toward the banks. Other good options are baetis nymphs dead drifted under an indicator, the BP Weiss Nymph, black and olive X-Mays, Two-Bit Hookers and the venerable Mercer's Micro-May are all in the mix for this one. Your box should always be stocked with red and black Zebra Midges in #16 - 20 when heading out to Keswick. Watch out for the rocks and bring your best hook-set!

Hot Flies: 

Dry Flies:
Mercer's Missing Link #16-18
Adams #14-16
Midge Hanger #20

Nymphs/Wet Flies:
Bubbleback Caddis - #14
Chromie - #16-18
Mercer's Gidget
Chironomid Bomber - Any color #12
Mercer's CB Micro Mayfly - Brown #16-18
Pats Rubberlegs - Brown #6-8
CB Birds Nest - #10-14

Streamers & Leeches:
Crystal Buggers
Freshwater Clousers - #6
Zonkers - Natural #4
Zack's Pyramid Beach Leech - #8

The Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Hat Creek: Hat Creek Fishing Report
Sacramento River - Lower: The releases were dropped down to 6,000 CFS a couple of days ago
McCloud River: Things have kicked into high gear on the McCloud