Crowds are lighter, but hatches are becoming inconsistent with rising water temperatures

East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Flows & Water Conditions-Fair-Good; Water temperatures reach low-70s by early afternoon

Clarity-Poor near the dam, improves downstream


Click Here For East Walker Flow Rates

Fishing Report & Conditions: Fair-Good

Crowds are lighter, but hatches are becoming inconsistent with rising water temperatures – Monitor the water temperature to avoid fish fatality. Mornings are best; big lake midges up near the dam are consistent, but perch fry may take over. Slower water sections have strong Callibaetis and Damsel hatches. Light Trico hatches should improve soon. PMDs are still active mid-morning, with sporadic caddis activity throughout the day. Evenings see caddis and male Trico activity.


  • Dries: Chernobyl OJ #6-10 | Adult Cranefly | Mimic May Light Cahill #14 | Missing Link #12-16 | Double Duck #14-18
  • Nymphs: San Juan Worm Red | CB Micro Stone #14-18 | GB FB Pheasant Tail #14-20 | HDA Fav #12-16 | Drowned Trico Spinner #18-22 || Near Dam: V-Rib Midge Claret #14 | PT Midge Pupae #12-14
  • Streamers: Try 'Em All

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The Trout Fitter Reports
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San Joaquin River-Middle Fork: Promising and worth exploring
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Fishing Report
Hot Creek: Hatches are plentiful throughout the day
Owens River - Lower: Limited reports, with expected hatches picking up
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Ownes River Report