Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) Fish Report for 10-11-2024
Despite all odds, the Tricos are still going strong
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff
Flows & Water Conditions- Good, But Increasing - Water Temps Dropped, Sending Migratory Fish Upstream
Clarity- Erratic (Water Being Pulled From Grant Lake)
CFS- 112
Click Here For Upper Owens Flow Rates
Fishing Report & Conditions: Fair- Good
Despite all odds, the Tricos are still going strong from 9:30-11, but remember the spinners are going to be available until early afternoon. The hatches are still about an hour later and Craneflies and Aquatic Moths are back. Craneflies appear midmorning and the moths appear early and late. The Tricos should be winding down pretty soon and the next mayfly hatch will probably be the BWO’s, but who knows when they’ll be showing up.
The crowds have gone to the normal fall pattern; Midweek the pressure is light but weekends go from crowded to brutal. The tough thing is that with all of the pressure from this summer, the actively feeding fish have gotten super picky. If you are looking for bigger fish, getting your flies down in the big holes and back under the banks will improve your odds.
Hopper-droppers are still working well with small #20-24 mayfly nymphs. The stocked Rainbows are now spread throughout the public water while the migratory browns are either under the cut banks or up in the private ranches. The Tiny BWO are still coming off, hatching midday - Hence the Hopper-Dropper rig. There’s a new mayfly showing up occasionally - not sure what it is but it’s rusty brown in color, about #16-18, hatches in the early afternoon, with the egg-laying occurring mid-morning. We are also seeing minnows and fry hanging out in the drowned grass on the inside of the river bends. Evenings are good for male Tricos, Caddis hatches, and Caddis egg-laying.
- Dries: Spider Variant Trico #20-22 | Extended Body BWO #16-22 | Assorted Foam Hoppers #8-12 for Hopper Dropper Rigs | Adult Midge Patterns #20-24 |
- Nymphs: Drowned Trico Spinner #18-22 | Bead Head Flashback Pheasant Tail #14-22 | HDA Fav Variant #12-16 | Chamois Caddis #16-20 | Spring Creek Hopper #12-16 | M/Pardi F/B Olive or Brown #18-20 | Weiss BP Light #18-20 | Slush Egg Apricot #14 | EZ Fl. S/Burst #20 | Squirmy Wormy #12-14 |
- Streamers: Keslars H/B/G Olive | Punk Perch #16 | Crostons MRS Natural #12 |
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