Good Winter Fishing!

Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665

Looks a little more like Winter and less like Fall for the rest of the month on the Truckee River. Good, because that'll kick the streamer fishing into high gear. 

That's mainly how I like to fish when the water gets cold. Going for big post-spawn brown trout. They like a big meal. Sure, anyone can peg an egg in the Winter and catch fish, trust me, I've done my share, but learning how to catch fish on streamers is the way to go. 

I do a lot of trips out East on the lower Truckee River in Nevada. Through the Nature Conservancy / McCarren Ranch areas. Good Winter fishing. Best from a raft, but there's tons of wading access too.

Of course there's good fishing on the Ca side too, but going down into some of those canyons in the Winter is a cold proposition. Right around here in Hirschdale is some of the best Winter fishing. 

The Nature Conservancy has spent over 30 million dollars restoring the river to original habitat. It's really a cool place. From Lockwood to Derby Dam. 

You can fish steamers any old way you want. Sinking line with lighter streamers, or floating line with heavier streamers. If you know me, I like the jig streamers on a floating line. 

Happy hunting. 

More Reports

Gilligan's Fly Service Reports
for Saturday, November 2nd, 2024

Truckee River: November is a good streamer month
Truckee River: November is a good streamer month!

Finally some cold weather for the Truckee River.  Was a hot ass early fall. Now that we have some more typical...... Read More