This could be a great place to be!

Sacramento River - Upper - Shasta, CA (Shasta County)

by The Fly Shop

Hoo doggy, what a storm! We saw significant accumulations as low as Delta down by the lake. Interstate 5 was closed for portions of the day yesterday, the snow levels have since elevated and it should be mostly gone by this weekend in Dunsmuir. If you should decide to go, you should peep out the river on your way up as the gage at Delta spells cloudy, big water. For recent hatches, Baetis hatches in the afternoons along with some Grannom Caddis were the predominant staples for fish along most of the river. You will most likely be nymphing with an indicator dropping a black Perdigon, BP Weiss Nymph, Olive Hotspot, or Jigged Mercer Micro May . Rubberlegs in the big water may do the trick as it has in the past when it gets big and murky Some large laker Rainbows are on the move up through the system, this could be a great place to be!

Upper Sacramento Flows at Delta

Hot Flies: 

Dry Flies:
• Sedgeback October Caddis - #10
• Low Water Baetis - #18
• Adams - #12-20
• Mercer's Missing Link - Dark #14-16
• Parachute Adams - #14-18

Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Mercer's Tungsten October Pupa
• Skip's TB October Caddis
• CB Birds Nest - #10-14
• Red Copper John - #16-18
• Zebra Midge - #18-20
• Mercury Black Beauty
• Mercer's Glass Bead Micro May - #22
• Mercer's GB Dark Stone - #8
• Mercer's Dark Stone - #6
• Pat's Rubber Legs - Brown #6-8
• Jigged Birds Nest - #14-16
• Gordon's Amber Wing Prince - #12-18
• Mercer's CB Micro Mayfly - #16-18
• Walt's Worm
Streamers & Leeches:
• Sheila Sculpin
• Woolly Buggers
• Zack's Stillwater Swimming Leech - #8

More Reports

The Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, November 21st, 2024

Fall River: Significant snowfall in the Fall River Valley
Hat Creek: Large Storm on Hat Creek
Sacramento River - Lower: The Lower River Should Be in Great Shape Soon
McCloud River: Not so sure about the fishing on the McC
Pit River: No recent reports on the Pit
Trinity River: Lots of Steelhead and Superb Fishing!