Lot os 14 to 22 inch trout are being caught on the East Walker River

East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

by Jim Reid

The East is running at about 305 cfs today and it's been right around that for a few days now. The fishing has been pretty good down there with lots of fish being caught in the 14 to 22 inch range.

The most successful method has been nymphing lately, but we have had a few really good reports on streamers, dries and dry/droppers as well. There are many patterns that have been working down there including buckskin caddis, fox's poopah, lafontaines caddis, 3-wire caddis, rainbow warriors, wd-40's, flashback emergers, silver streaks, disco midges, tailwater tinies, dead drift crawfish, zuddlers, double bunnies, chubby chernobyl, madam x and rubberleg stimulators. The Rosachi section in Nevada has also had some good action with chubby chernobyls, dead drift crayfish and stoneflies.

More Reports

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, August 7th, 2011

East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: The Ranch is fishing very well with the lower flows
Bridgeport Reservoir: Bridgeport Is Working for Fly Fishermen and for Bait Fishermen & Trollers
Kirman Lake: Kirman is seeing a lot of 16 inch Trout, some are pushing 5 lbs.
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): Twin Lakes is good for one-half pound to 3 pound fish
Virginia Lakes: Good Fishing at the Virginias