Look to add more weight on the East Walker if you don't get any strikes

East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

by Tom Loe

The EW is pretty fun right now despite above average flows. This river can fish well even up to 400 cfs if you use enough weight this time of year. Example: I had high confidence that a number of fish were holding in a 30 foot section in a popular stretch of the Miracle Mile. A handful of well-placed casts and drifts from my client Jim Chase got NO LOVE. I added additional weight, lengthened the depth below the Under-cator and we went back to work. First drift with the additional weight-bendo! Same flies, same drift, more weight did the trick.

Seeing some good opportunities to fish small mayfly and para-midge patterns in the foam as well. The finicky finned veterans of the EW will hit those small dries if you can handle fishing the tiny adults in the soft water eddies along the shoreline. Use a larger high-vis mayfly pattern 2-3 feet above the your point fly to help you locate position and assist with mending. Afternoon caddis always fun after the sun goes behind the hills. Good reports from several clients fishing the sundowner recently.

PT's and broken back midges in the #16-20 range are good choices for nymphing with, or without an Under-cator. Our Copper and dark zebra broken backs are truly deadly here, you should try them. Grasshoppers are abundant as well, so when the flows drop some use a hopper & a bead head dropper to cover both layers of the water column.

Some sections have significant weed along the bottom and it can be frustrating to keep your flies clean. Don't get complacent and not clean/check them between presentations.

Tom Loe Reports
for Tuesday, July 26th, 2011
Bridgeport Reservoir: Daryl Bradford catches and releases a 26 inch Brown at the Bridge
East Walker River (CA): The East Walker Is Improving Every Day