The weather has made the Lower Owens a memorable drift boat season

Owens River - CA

by Tom Loe

It has been one of the best winters in quite some time for overall fish'n conditions on the LO. Very good numbers on average with overall balmy weather for winter have made this a memorable drift boat season for sure.

Streamer fishing with moderate sinking tip lines has been the best method to consistently take fish while drifting; however nymphing with tandem midge or mayfly imitations will also get you into fish if you wade the upper sections near the wild trout area. Flows have recently doubled making access for wading a tad more difficult; however at 200 cfs they are by no means high for this section of the river. Why would the flows go up this time of year in what is proving to be the driest in recent history? Got me, the LADWP acts in mysterious ways. If the flows remain at current releases we will have an EPIC baetis hatch beginning in late January/early February. This could be one of the most productive springs ever seen - as fishing pressure was very light last year due to blown out flows early on through most of the fall.

The above photo depicts Brandon & Kyle Brandt, father & son showing off a LO Rainbow while drifting with Tom Loe.