Conditions on the East Walker River are very good right now -- the result, FUN Fishing!

East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

by Tom Loe

Pretty fun. A client and I very recently spent half the day nymphing and half the day casting parachute BWO's and midges to a large pod of fish feeding in an eddie. They ate midges, they ate mayflies, they ate a San Juan Worm-they REALLY ate an olive crystal caddis larva pattern. We almost called Sea World because there was a fish that looked like Shamu and we thought it had escaped! It bent a 2x heavy nymph hook out after a couple hours of casting to it. Rat bastard!

Conditions remain very good, flows are around 100cfs and you just need to get on a section of water that has a hole over 3 feet deep to get into some numbers most days. During the calm days the fish are moving into the riffles as well and using "Guerrilla" tactics and covering a lot of water will pay off under this condition.


Main Photo Above: The East Walker is consistently kicking out some nice fish for clients of Sierra Drifters on nymphs and dries.

Photo # 1: Dan Diaz got to play with these all day on his trip with us to the East Walker

Tom Loe Reports
for Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Owens River: Lower Owens on the rise March 24, 2012
Owens River: Upper Owens can be "On Again, Off Agin" right now