Madison River Fish Report

Madison River

by Craig Mathews

The Madison providing big fish to skilled as well as novice anglers. The fish are rising every morning and evening from Raynolds to McAtee. With the hot summer sun showing itself most days of the week be sure to hit the water early. Take your break in the middle of the day rather than in the morning or evening. This isn't to say that you won't have dry fly fishing all day, but the best caddis emergences will be morning and evening. And if you see a good caddis emergence on this river you'll be wondering why you ever fished anywhere else. Have your adult caddis and emerging caddis patterns with you. If the fish are being picky about a 15 Amber Iris, try a 17. You should also have rusty spinners and Green Drake spinners. We've been seeing PMD and Green Drake spinners in good numbers and they are always a nice easy meal for a big smart brown trout.

More Reports

Craig Mathews Reports
for Saturday, July 5th, 2014
Madison River : Madison River Fish Report
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Craig Mathews Reports
for Thursday, July 3rd, 2014
Madison River : Madison River Fish Report
Firehole River: Firehole River Fish Report