San Luis stripers biting

San Luis Reservoir - Los Banos, CA (Merced County)

by The Fly Shop

Main lake can be fished with cut baits, blood worms or trolled reaction baits. Best fish are caught trolling. Forebay has a good topwater bite going on. Coyote Bait & Tackle (408) 463-0711

More Reports

The Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, October 8th, 2015
McCloud River: McCloud fishable
Sacramento River - Upper: Cooling aids Upper Sac
Sacramento River - Lower: Lower Sac good trout bet

The Fly Shop Reports
for Wednesday, September 30th, 2015
Baum Lake: Float Baum for best bite
Hat Creek: Cold and clear at Hat
McCloud River: McCloud holds steady
Pit River: Good prospects on the Pit
Sacramento River - Upper: Better days coming on Upper Sac
Sacramento River - Lower: Trout going crazy on lower Sac