Fish Report for 6-27-2021
Bridgeport Fish Report - June 27th

by Kens Sporting Goods Staff
The flows are way down on the East right now, about 26 cfs. Unfortunately we seem to be about a month ahead of normal on the conditions down there as right now it’s more like August conditions. The water is getting pretty warm but we have still been having some night time temperatures in the low to mid 30’s which has helped a lot. There were also some evening thunder showers this past week which helped as well. Right now the fish are still healthy and from reports we’ve been getting are releasing well. It’s best to fish early and late in the day so as to not stress the fish too much, we’d recommend fishing until 10 or 11 in the morning then start up again around 6 or so in the evening. The action has still been pretty good down there with a couple good streamer reports coming in this week as well as a lot of dry and dry/dropper action. Straight nymphing is also good though it’s a little bit tricky with the low water. The caddis are hatching daily and there are a lot of cicadas hatching as well, this makes for some really fun action on top. Some patterns to try: chernobyl ant, madam x, foam dead stone, chubby chernobyl, para hopper, zebra midge, flashback emerger, radiation baetis, perdigon nymph, zuddler, sculpzilla, dead drift crayfish.
The same goes for the ranch section, lots of good dry/dropper action in the mornings and evenings, probably best to just be booking half day sessions down there for now. As with the California side, we’ll do our best to keep an eye on how the fish are doing and pass on any information if it gets to warm to fish.
Anglers struggled a bit on the reservoir this week, there are still lots of fish being caught but many of them lately are perch. There’s a few fish being caught from the shore still down near the dam but we’re also getting a lot of “skunk” reports. There’s also some fish being caught from boats over near Rainbow Point with bait, but again, not everyone is getting into fish every day. The trolling is still seeing some action with reports coming in of 15 to 20 perch per day with 2 or 3 trout thrown into the mix. If you like to target the perch out there, now is the time. If you’re going to troll, try Rapalas, crawlers and speedy shiners, for bait fishing try pinched crawlers, inflated crawlers and garlic power bait.
No new news from Kirman this week, since they planted those brookies last week. When we hear something, we’ll pass it on!
Like Bridgeport, some anglers struggled on the Twins this week, with the warmer weather the fish seem to like to go deep where they’re difficult to reach. The best fishing seems to be in the early morning and late evening lately. Even though some anglers have struggled, there are still some nice fish being caught on both of the Twins, we’ve seen nice fish up to almost 5 pounds coming in this week. Both of the resorts have posted lots of great photos of anglers with lots of nice fish from up there this week. Some of the successful anglers have been using power bait, pinched crawlers and mice tails for bait, Rapalas, Thomas Bouyants and Kastmasters for lures and the fly anglers are stripping streamers and leech patterns with sinking lines to pick up some fish.
We only heard from a few anglers on the West this past week, it sounds like the water got muddied up for a couple days from the thunder showers but has otherwise been clear. It sounds like the fish are mostly hanging out in the deeper pools where you’ll need to get your nymphs, bait or lures a little deeper to get to them. Some of the fly anglers have been able to coax some fish toward the surface with hopper/dropper rigs which is always fun. You might need to cover some water to find where the fish are hiding.
We’re still getting some good reports from the Virginias lately. It sounds like the best way to get into some fish up there is to be able to get away from the shore, in a tube or kayak. There are a few fish being caught from the shore but it’s definitely better if you can get out on the water. Fly anglers are mostly stripping streamers with sinking lines, buggers and leeches with soft hackle droppers. Bait anglers are using pinched crawlers, power bait and mice tails. Lure anglers are using Thomas Bouyants, Kastmasters and mini jigs.
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More Reports
Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, June 27th, 2021
East Walker River (CA): Flows Are Way Down on The East Right Now
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: Lots of good dry/dropper action in the mornings and evenings
Bridgeport Reservoir: Anglers struggled a bit on the reservoir this week
Kirman Lake: No News From Kirman This Week
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): Twin Lakes Fishing Report
West Walker River (CA): Fish Are Hanging in The Deeper Pools
Virginia Lakes: Good Reports From The Virginias
Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, June 20th, 2021
: The Dry Action Has Really Picked Up on The East Walker River
: Still Have Some Good Action on the Ranch
: The Reservoir Had a Little Bit of a Lull For a Couple Days
Kirman Lake: Interesting News From Kirman Lake This Week
: The Twins Are Still Fishing Pretty Well
: We've Started to Get Some Good Reports From the West Lately
Virginia Lakes: We've Had Quite a Few Good Reports From the Virginias This Past Week

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