Crowley Lake Fish Report for 6-10-2022
Good One Day, Not So Good The Next...
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by Jim Elias
Crowley Lake - 6/10/22 - Water Level - 6768.5ft - Water is clear - Surface temps near 65 by early afternoon, Bottom temps hovering in the upper 50s depending on where you check.
Rod Size: #5-#6 Weights
Tippet Size: 3-4X
Leader: Deep Indicator Rig 15-25ft
Dries: N/A
Nymphs: Black Zebra #16, Gray/Black Midge #16-18, Albino Baron Wine #16, White Tiger #16 , Copper Tiger #16, Albino Baron Red #16, Red/Black Midge #16, Black Dubbed Head Optimidge #16-18, Gray Dubbed Head Optimidge #16-18
Streamers: Black Maribou Leech #12
Well, consistency in any form is pretty much gone. Water temps are pretty uniform around the lake, so nothing is keeping the fish in any particular area. The fishing has been ok, as long as the wind stays down. It's been CROWDED! Worse than I've ever seen. The fleet now pretty much encompasses the entire lake now. There's a big group fishing along sandy at the dropoff, I can confirm there are fish there but nothing really good. There's another big group of boats still hanging around over at Stormy almost from Sandy all the way to the weather pole. There's also another big group all along Pelican in Big Hilton too. Me? I've been hanging out deep way outside the fleet in the middle of McGee in nearly 30ft of water. I'm also seeing some fish from Alligator all the way down to Christmas. Haven't been back in Crooked except to test the boat and there were easily 10 boats in there the other day. I guess what I'm saying is that you don't have to fish with everyone to catch fish. I should be out there scouting a little more often once I get the new boat dialed in next week. Every fish I pumped the other day had lots of size 18ish gray pupa in them, but they were caught on copper tigers and albinos! The fish were pretty much ignoring my gray and black patterns in favor of larva. Also saw some fish cruising about a foot or two below the surface out in Stormy the other day. Tried casting a dry dropper out there and it was completely ignored. I threw my hands up and quit for the day after that. The water temps are pretty similar from top to bottom and the fish are comfortable at all depths. I start right on the bottom and gradually move my flies up as the morning goes on. Usually based on what I'm seeing on my fishfinder.
Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..
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