Crowley Lake Fish Report for 6-17-2022
Wind, cold and more wind!
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by Jim Elias
Water Level - 6768.5ft - Water is clear - Surface temps near 65 by early afternoon, Bottom temps hovering in the upper 50s depending on where you check.
Rod Size: #5-#6 Weights
Tippet Size: 3-4X
Leader: Deep Indicator Rig 15-25ft
Dries: N/A
Nymphs: Black Zebra #16, Gray/Black Midge #16-18, Albino Baron Wine #16, White Tiger #16 , Copper Tiger #16, Albino Baron Red #16, Red/Black Midge #16, Black Dubbed Head Optimidge #16-18, Gray Dubbed Head Optimidge #16-18, Spiral Red Holographic #16
Streamers: Black Maribou Leech #12
I wish I had better news about this fishing this week but its about the same as it's been. This windy weather, and constantly changing barometer has the fish and the bugs more than a little confused. Toss in the full moon, which sometimes seems to affect things more than other times. (maybe I'm just making excuses). The hatches have been kind of weak lately. Algae is just starting to get going and I definitely saw some Daphnia in the marina the other day. So, we have just about everything that could possibly go wrong working against us. What can we do about it? Move around, every time I moved the other day we got a few grabs, and once it was over I moved again and managed a couple more grabs. Sitting still out there right now is a death sentence. Your fish finder is your friend, if you're not seeing much under your boat, it's probably time to move. The fish are moving so why on earth would you park in one spot all day? Water temps are pretty uniform across the lake (add that to the list of inconvenient things we get to deal with) so the fish aren't really grouped up in any one place yet. The colder temps aren't helping that at all, but it is prolonging the inevitable fact that the water will warm, it's just a matter of when. The fish have been out deep for me mainly. Anywhere from 27-34ft and I know that also sounds like a chore too(because it is). Despite all this, I have been getting my clients into quality fish, just not a lot of them and not consistently either. Afternoons are garbage at the moment, I maybe got 2 grabs the other day when I went out so mornings are your best shot for the forseeable future. There are still some fish lingering around Stormy Flats and Sometimes, seeing more fish consistently on the Western slope of Sandy Point and over in Christmas. I marked some fish when I was out testing the boat the other afternoon in Little Hilton off the point out deep, and a few back in Crooked. All around 30ft unfortunately. Not much going on up in the North Arm.
Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..
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