Dry fly action should continue to improve as summer moves along

Deschutes River- Upper

by Fly and Field Outfitters

The Upper Deschutes has been hit and miss so far this season with us hearing a mixed bag of reports. We’ve heard some people seeing green drakes and having decent action on them. Caddis and PMD’s should be around as well and dry fly action should continue to improve as summer moves along. Terrestrials are always a good idea on the upper as well and ant, beetle, and small hopper patterns can occasionally entice a fish and serve as great indicator flies or nymph rigs. Streamers around the undercut banks and downed timber can be tough on your flies but produce some great fish.

More Reports

Fly and Field Outfitters LLC Reports
for Friday, June 17th, 2022

Metolius River: Hearing reports of Green Drakes around
Deschutes River- Lower: Salmon Flies are coming to a close