Ruby Lake NWR Fish Report for 8-12-2022
Ruby Lake Fishing Report
Ruby Lake NWR - Elko, NV (Elko County)

by Nevada Department of Wildlife
Little or no change here. The water level is low in the south marsh and weed growth is getting thick, but boats with electric motors can still get around the main channels as gas motors are helping to chop up some of the more popular paths through the marsh. With surface water temperatures in the mid 70’s the bass bite at Ruby Lake NWR continues to be good, though it is taking approximately 10 bass to catch a keeper. Minimum keeper size is 10 inches. Most of the keepers are in the 10-12-inch size due to recent drouths and growth cycle due to 12 years of low water. Many anglers report catching as many as 50 bass days per angler but limits of 10 bass per angler are hard to come by. Soft plastic grubs in blue, black or purple seemed to work the best. Fishing conditions in the collection ditch have been fair to good recently for 13 to 18-inch trout depending upon the day and location. Dry flies have been working well as hoppers are out and trout are keying on them. Hoppers, yellow stimulators and yellow elk hair caddis have all produced fish. Damselflies are hatching as well so both damsel dries and nymphs are also working. Chironomid patterns such as zebra midges, Yankee buzzers, chromies and ice cream cones will catch a few fish. Other flies such as leech patterns, balanced leeches, crystal buggers, #14-16 hare’s ears, and #16-18 PT nymphs fished under an indicator are recommended. However, weed growth is up and fishing subsurface flies is limited to those areas of the ditch that are deeper and have less vegetative growth. Spin anglers should be using small spinners in black or olive with contrasting yellow or red colors as well as small minnow imitations.
More Reports
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Friday, August 12th, 2022
Cold Creek Reservoir: NDOW will continue to work to rebuilding the Largemouth Bass fishery
Wild Horse Reservoir: Shore anglers will do best where the banks are steep
Angel Lake: Anglers report fair to good fishing for both rainbow and tiger trout
Comins Lake: Surface water temperatures are in the 70’s
Illipah Reservoir: The lake level is low due to irrigation and surface water temperatures are above 70
South Fork Reservoir: South Fork Reservoir Fishing Report
Jakes Creek Reservoir (Boies Reservoir): The water level is low as water is being drawn out for irrigation
Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, August 4th, 2022
Sparks Marina Park Pond: We are in full summer mode
Baily Fishing Pond: Green sunfish and Bluegill can be caught all day long
Marilyn's Pond: There’s still fish to be caught
Davis Creek Park Pond: Davis Creek Pond Fishing Report
Marlette Lake: Marlette has been steady this season
James Kinney Pond: We are in full summer mode
Knott Creek Reservoir: Knott Creek has been slow to rebound from the last few years
Lake Tahoe: Lake Tahoe- Sand Harbor Report
Liberty Pond: Liberty Pond Fishing Report
Mitch Pond: Mitch Pond Fishing Report
Mountain View Park Pond: Mountain View Park Pond Fishing Report
Paradise Park Ponds: Paradise Park Ponds Fishing Report
Blue Lakes: Not many reports back from Blue this season
Chimney Dam Reservoir: Chimney Dam Reservoir Fishing Report
Humboldt River: Humbolt River Fishing Report
Little Humboldt River - North Fork: Wild populations of rainbow, cutthroat, and brown trout exist and fishing is expected to be fair to poor
Seemand Pond: Seemand Pond Fishing Report
Virginia Lake: Virginia Lake Fishing Report

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