McCloud River Fish Report for 5-9-2024
McCloud River Report
McCloud River - CA (Siskiyou County)

by The Fly Shop
Keep your eye on the turbidity gage down by the lake, it is showing the river has good clarity below all of the tributaries. What is coming out of Lake McCloud is beginning to show some haziness. However, all of the tributaries are clear and it should look great in the Conservancy. Some March Browns are coming off, and with the little bit of weather this weekend we could see some Green Drakes popping. Definitely bring Rubberlegs, brown or black in #6 or #8, Perdigons and Olive Hotspots. For the March Browns, a good 'ol Pheasant Tail in #14 will do the trick, bring some Adams in #14 when the fish are up top. Keep your Salmonfly dries ready, brown Chubby Chernobyls in #8 and and the Rogue Stones both work great. This spring should be a great one. To reserve a day with one of our expert guides to experience one of the most picturesque streams in the north state, call Chris or Bryan in Outfitters at (530)222-3555.
Hot Flies:
• Morrish's Adult October Caddis
• Pat's Rubberlegs
• Mercer's Tungsten October Pupa
• Olive Hotspot
• Coppertop Duracell
• Sweet Pea - #16/
• Copper John Red - #16/
• Jigged Birds Nest - Natural, Hot Spot #14-16
• Walt's Worm
More Reports
The Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, May 9th, 2024
Fall River: The river really turned on over the last week and the reports have been outstanding
Hat Creek: Hat Creek Fishing Report
Sacramento River - Lower: The BoR is doing some 'pulse' flows over the next few weeks or so
The Fly Shop Reports
for Friday, May 3rd, 2024
Pit River: The river is has come down on Pit 3 and 4, but the water clarity is still an issue
Sacramento River - Upper: The river is high from top to bottom
Iron Canyon Reservoir: This could be a good place to go this spring with very little fishing pressure
Keswick Reservoir: The reservoir is fishing well
Shasta Lake: The Spots have moved into the shallows to spawn and the fishing has been stellar!
Lewiston Lake: The lake is a good option if you are in the area
McCloud Reservoir: The reservoir has been topping up

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