McCloud Reservoir Fish Report for 5-23-2024
The river from the dam down through the Conservancy is looking great
McCloud Reservoir - McCloud, CA (Siskiyou County)

by The Fly Shop
The river from the dam down through the Conservancy is looking great with some turbidity just below the dam. The tributaries are clearing it up quite a bit and it is fishing fantastic. Best flies right now are Olive Hotspots, Sweet Peas, and Frenchies. We are entering Stonefly season and Salmonflies continue to come off in good numbers, brown Chubby Chernobyls in #8 are great for hopper/dropper rigs and you can even possibly get takes on the Chubby. Towards dark fish the glassy sides of the river with your big dries. Keep your eyes open for Green Drakes, the Jigged Green Drake, Hunchback GD, and Mercer's Poxyback GD will work great for fish eating in runs below the fast water. To reserve a day with one of our expert guides to experience one of the most picturesque streams in the north state, call Chris or Bryan in Outfitters at 800-669-3474.
Hot Flies:
• Morrish's Adult October Caddis
• Pat's Rubberlegs
• Mercer's Tungsten October Pupa
• Olive Hotspot
• Coppertop Duracell
• Sweet Pea - #16/
• Copper John Red - #16/
• Jigged Birds Nest - Natural, Hot Spot #14-16
• Walt's Worm
More Reports
The Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
Fall River: While the wind can make things challenging, the river is still fishing great!
Hat Creek: For now, fish are eating Rubberlegs in the downstream sections
Sacramento River - Lower: The BoR has continued to pulse the flows on the Sac
The Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, May 9th, 2024
Fall River: The river really turned on over the last week and the reports have been outstanding
Hat Creek: Hat Creek Fishing Report
Sacramento River - Lower: The BoR is doing some 'pulse' flows over the next few weeks or so
McCloud River: McCloud River Report
Pit River: The river is has come down on Pit 3 and 4, but the water clarity is still an issue
Sacramento River - Upper: The flows coming into Lake Shasta are stilll high
Baum Lake: Look to see some good hatches on Baum in the coming weeks as it really heats up
Shasta Lake: The Spots have moved into the shallows to spawn and the fishing has been stellar!
Manzanita Lake: The lake is ice free and the fishing has been pretty good

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