The flows are definitely affecting the Lower Owens. You might try a drift boat.

Owens River - CA

by Tom Loe

Do not expect a decrease in water flows for quite a while on the Owens people, it will remain very high for an extended period this fall and if there are no structural problems with the aqueduct, you may see big water well into December. This is bad news for wade fishing the wild trout section, but not so much a factor for the drifting once the flows stabilize or peak.

There is limited water one can fish at these release rates from the shore while wading. Crossing is difficult and can be dangerous at 500 cfs. Use 3 bb shot to get your nymph patterns down in the slower deeper pools and softer tail outs or runs. Select caddis and midge imitations with occasional opportunities to toss a hopper along the edges in the afternoons. We will be primarily fishing heavy sink tips with streamers incorporating the "dip & strip" technique.

Fishing has been good overall recently with stable flows. A 100 cfs bump slowed it down for a few days but conditions improved quickly as the levels had been this high previously. The water remains warm (mid 60's) in the Owens.

Our main photo shows Jim Scanlon and I with a beautiful fish caught from the drift boat. With the high water we are going to have this fall, the drift boats will be able to get into these fish with ease and safety.