The Lower Owens is slow right now but look for the fishing to improve during February

Owens River - CA

by Tom Loe

The LO is not quite up to snuff right now even though the flows have leveled off at 255cfs below PV Reservoir. Cooler water emanating from Crowley/Rock Creek, lots of tannin leaching into the water from the rains, debris coming into the river from a couple of the bypass and irrigation canals, excuses-excuses! It will improve but it has been very slow in the drift boat sections and just so-so in the wild trout area. The weather has been very mild down in the Owens Valley overall, even though we did see a good shot of snow in late January and a whole bunch of rain. Not much surface action yet surprisingly??? despite the above average water temps.

Look for this to change as February rolls on. Perhaps the best month to fish BWO adults in my opinion. 250cfs is right where crossing and access to some of the better spots in the wild trout section gets dicey. As the water continues to warm the fish will begin to migrate into the riffle water where it is easier to feed and there will be marked improvement if the flows remain at this release. Mayfly nymphs, midge larva and pupa patterns, caddis worms all in the 16-20 range will get you grabs here.

Drift boat trips have also been slow as of late; the weather nailed us a couple times although it has been very nice for the most part down in the OV. We continue to use the "dip & strip" method fishing streamer patterns with heavy sinking tip lines. I am confident things will change for the better here soon and the slow fishing will be ancient history!

In the photo above we see Jerry Clifton all smiles while pulling on a nice rainbow on a beautiful day of drifting with "the Senator" John Ogden. Notice how brown the water looks? -this is the tannin that leaches in from the willows that heavily line the banks along the LO.

Here are two videos Tom Loedid while recently fishing the Lower Owens they include some nice tip and techniques from Tom.

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