Sierra Drifter's Tom Loe looks at the Sierra Trout Opener

by Tom Loe

And so it begins. The 2012 Sierra trout season is up and running. By most accounts it was one of the better openers in recent years with very mild summer like conditions for the weekend. Access to open waters was excellent, and the DFG dumped plenty of stockers in the creeks and "put and take lakes" to ensure success for those who came up for the start of the season. Tioga Pass will be opening next week we are told, and the road into the Mammoth Lakes Basin has opened very early indeed. Indicative of the light winter for sure.

The Long Beach Casting Club will be helping out our Wounded Warriors with the Healing Waters Project this month on the Sierra Drifters Trophy Pond. Thanks in advance to the Vets for their sacrifices, and thanks to the LBCC members for their efforts. Let's all wish them the best of luck on "Jurassic Pond" and hope they all get a few troutzillas!

Currently we are having issues with a series of dry cold fronts dashing through the region bringing with them a bunch of wind. The "Sierra Wave" has been spectacular this month and has provided us with some amazing portraits during sunrises and sunsets. These unique cloud patterns are formed within the western jet stream as it cascades over the Sierra crest. Under conditions like these the wind can go from zero to sixty in nothing flat so if you see lenticular clouds (flying saucer shaped) in the sky at daybreak there is a strong possibility you will experience some potent southwesterly winds.

Main Photo Above: Fritz Mutter showing off a chromed up Crowley Lake silver bullet.
Photo #1: The spectacular phenomena known as the Sierra Wave has been entertaining us recently. Shot was taken from my back porch at Drifters HQ on McGee Creek.