Crowley Tributaries

by Tom Loe

The rainbows are in full spawn mode in these locations. You will observe pods of fish paired up in all the small freestone tribs leading into Crowley right now. The fish if not spooked-can be very aggressive in protecting their redds and will attack most any pattern that comes by. SJ worms, roe imitations, streamers, flashback PT's #8-18 will all get looks if presented properly. The key to success on these small creeks is your approach. Walk up like a thirsty Cape Buffalo and you will see them dash off under a cut bank with little chance of getting a good cast. Water conditions remain very good as the snow pack is high and runoff is not influencing the water flows.

East Walker River
Still mighty fine. Flows are surprisingly low at just over 100cfs, I have a link on the resources page to the EW release also. The cooler weather here and windy conditions have kept pressure lighter than normal for opening week and reports are good for those nymphing the prime holes and runs with smaller mayfly and midge patterns. As it warms look for increased caddis and PMD activity.

Hot Creek
Not fun to fish here in strong winds-which there have been plenty of this week. Flows are good now, however when it gets warm Mammoth Creek will swell and can cause HC to get stained and off color with some debris messing up your drifts. This will be the trend throughout most of May and into early June when it gets warm at elevation. Look for ideal conditions to set up after this, say late June early July-ish. Fall will be tough here. Midges are best along with the last generations of the twin tailed baetis mayflies or Blue Winged Olives, BWO's which get smaller as they end their seasonal cycle. #18-20 currently.Hot Creek Not fun to fish here in strong winds-which there have been plenty of this week. Flows are good now, however when it gets warm Mammoth Creek will swell and can cause HC to get stained and off color with some debris messing up your drifts. This will be the trend throughout most of May and into early June when it gets warm at elevation. Look for ideal conditions to set up after this, say late June early July-ish. Fall will be tough here. Midges are best along with the last generations of the twin tailed baetis mayflies or Blue Winged Olives, BWO's which get smaller as they end their seasonal cycle. #18-20 currently.

Alpine Lakes
We have not guided any of them yet, however reports are good for numbers with an absence of larger fish. June Lake Loop was is great shape, and from what I hear complaints were few and far between. Convict has been plagued with wind on several days this week, as were all the alpine regions - not many fly fishers out in these areas quite yet. Get a nice day in the near future and use a full sinking line type 4 line then go tug some Spruce-A Bu's or Loebergs along the drop-offs and inlets. Bad bad Leroy brown may come out to play!


Main Photo Above: The EW can kick out huge browns in the spring as the warming water triggers aggressive feeding behavior.
Photo #1: Holly Robertson with a nice Hot Crick brown.

Photo #2: Lake Mary Road is the way into the Mammoth Lakes Basin and has opened very early this season. Pictured is beautiful Lower Twin Lake near the Mammoth Lakes Basin.

And so it begins. The 2012 Sierra trout season is up and running. By most accounts it was...... Read More