The rainbows are piled up in McGee Creek this year, a fun place to fish

McGee Creek - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by Tom Loe

Fun stuff here this year. I will say that the bigs are not as prevalent, and the lack of cutthroats is very apparent-however there are a pile of catchable rainbows staged up and holding in the pools on McGee and Convict Creeks. The spring migration is nearing the end and well past peak, however there are still good numbers to be found for another week or so.

Water conditions are great and clarity remains very good. The wind will shut you down for sure so choose your day according to the weather. The trek down to the quality water is considerable but well worth the effort. SJ worms, roe patterns, flashback PT's or crystal midges will all get looks. Approach is important so you don't spook them. Stay off the redds please- focus on the fish in the pools, not the actively spawning rainbows.