Sonoma bass turning on

Lake Sonoma - Healdsburg, CA (Sonoma County)

by Nor Cal Fish Reports

Bass are biting worms, crank baits and swim baits. A lot of 2 to 3 pound bass are being hooked but some go to 5 pounds. Find the bass from shallow to 20 feet deep. Steelhead fishing has been slow. Outdoor Pro Shop – Cotati (707) 588-8033

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Nor Cal Fish Reports Reports
for Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
Lake Almanor: Inconsistent bite at Almanor
Lake Amador: Good bluegill, solid trout at Amador
Anderson Reservoir: Rising water, better bass at Anderson
Antelope Lake: Antelope full, bite slow
Bear Lake: Good trout at Bear River Lake
Lake Berryessa: Berryessa trout, kokes better
Boca Reservoir: Some action at Boca
Bridgeport Reservoir: Boaters score at Bridgeport
Bucks Lake: Solid kokanee bite at Bucks
Bullards Bar Reservoir: Koke action improves at Bullards Bar
Calero Lake: Go bright at murky Calero
Lake Camanche: Big cats, some trout at Camanche
Lake Chabot: Solid bass bite at Chabot
Chesbro Reservoir: Chatter for bass at Chesbro
Clear Lake: Clear Lake top water improving
Collins Lake: Collins Lake a winner
Contra Loma Reservoir: Fair trout, evening bass at Contra Loma
Lake Davis: Tough go at Davis
Del Valle Lake: Striper, trout in DV narrows
Donner Lake: Donner producing shoreline trout
Don Pedro Reservoir: Bankies get bass at Don Pedro
Indian Creek Reservoir: Indian Creek to get plant soon
Gold Lake: Shore anglers get trout in Gold Lake Basin
June Lake: Slow bite at June Lake
Gull Lake: Sporadic bite at Gull
Silver Lake: Silver top loop lake
Lafayette Reservoir: Lafayette trout bite hot
Lexington Reservoir: Cats biting at Lexington
Lewiston Lake: Lewiston trout willing
Lopez Lake : Trout fair at Lopez
Los Vaqueros Reservoir: LV fishes well through the wind
Lake Mendocino: Stripers on the Mendo menu
Lake Oroville: Bass active at Oroville
Pardee Reservoir: Pardee bite tough
Prosser Reservoir: Prosser arm best spot
Pyramid Lake: Pyramid bite winding down
Quarry Lakes: Algae plagues Quarry Lakes
San Luis Reservoir: San Luis worth a striper try
San Pablo Reservoir: Shoreline best at San Pablo
Shadow Cliffs Reservoir: Trout plant should boost Shadow Cliffs
Shasta Lake: Go early, beat skiiers at Shasta